Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What is a good website to buy flower bulbs and seeds?

I want to start my first garden in my new yard. What are some good combinations? I like azaleas and camelot lavender foxgloves.

What is a good website to buy flower bulbs and seeds?
Why go on line when you can buy now at the stores?

Sure it might seem a bargain but remember you will be paying shipping too.

Azalea%26#039;s are good for a spring show so are Rhododendrons, I also like Forsythia.

Bulbs are best bought in the fall.

Peony%26#039;s are in the store now if you like to bring in fragrant flowers for the house, Clematis one of my favorites:


The list goes on, trot down to you local nursery

Have fun
Reply:Try Michigan Bulb. They have a beautiful assortment of both bulbs and flowers. They will send you a free catalog so that you can sit and study what you want to put where. The products are guaranteed. Have fun.
Reply:direct-gardening.com - the best and the cheapest
Reply:From Dave%26#039;s Garden: The most highly rated companies http://davesgarden.com/products/gwd/

Antique Rose Emporium: http://www.antiqueroseemporium.com/

Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co.


Bluestone Perennials has helpful lists. :http://www.bluestoneperennials.com/b/bp/...


Brent %26amp; Becky%26#039;s Bulbs There are some excellent combinations here:


Brushwood Nursery:


Buried Treasures http://www.buried-treasure.net/index.php

Chamblee%26#039;s Rose Nursery http://www.chambleeroses.com/

Classy Groundcovers:


Forestfarm has some beautiful Japanese Maples:


Garden Crossings LLC (Coral Bells) Heuchera %26#039;Miracle%26#039; would go well with lavender foxglove.

http://www.gardencrossings.com/index.cfm... http://www.gardencrossings.com/

Garden Store-N-More ..MALVA sylvestris Mauritiana- High Mallow rich purple/pinkish flowers with plum veins are produced in abundance from late summer to late fall:



Gardener%26#039;s Supply Company http://www.gardeners.com/on/demandware.s...

Hallson Gardens:


Katz Kuntry Kuttins Anchusa %26quot;Blue Angel%26quot; has indigo blue flowers which reach approximately 10%26quot; in height:


Lazy S%26#039;S Farm %26amp; Nursery deer resistant plants, %26#039;Adonis Blue%26#039; Butterfly Bush:

http://www.lazyssfarm.com/Plants/Shrubs/... http://www.lazyssfarm.com/Plants/Deer_Re...

Lee Valley Tools, Ltd.

Logee%26#039;s Greenhouses, Ltd.



Made in the Shade Gardens:


Oakes Daylilies http://www.oakesdaylilies.com/supplier/h...

Old House Gardens - Heirloom Bulbs: http://www.oldhousegardens.com/


Onalee%26#039;s Home-Grown Seeds %26amp; Plants: Butterfly garden, perennials %26amp; bulbs




Paradise Garden http://www.paradisegarden.com/shop/home....

Select Seeds Antique Flowers http://selectseeds.com/cgi-bin/start.cgi...

Sooner Plant Farm (home of Imagine Backyard Trees®) Territorial Seed Company http://www.territorialseed.com/prod_deta...

The Tasteful Garden You can plant herbs with your flowers as companion plants:


Touch of Nature, Inc.


Here are some preplanned gardens:


The blue Russian Sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia ) blends with the rosy Agastache cana %26#039;Rosita%26#039;, %26amp; the yellows in Gaillardia, Achillea filipendulina %26#039;Coronation Gold%26#039; .

Nice combos:


I enjoy buying my plants, bulbs %26amp; seeds locally, but it%26#039;s really nice to be able to have other resources available when I can%26#039;t find them in local garden centers.

Good luck!!! Hope this helps.
Reply:Things like azaleas and common plants are great to get locally. There are a lot of varieties that you can find at your local store and get a great deal. As far as bulbs are concerned, you will find the best variety on-line and be able to get the most unusual plants that your neighbors won%26#039;t have. I like parkseed.com Dave%26#039;s garden is a great website also. There%26#039;s also gardenweb.com, you can find local people in your community to discuss any problems or successes you may be having and possibly exchange plants with local gardeners. It%26#039;s a great website.

Good luck and enjoy!


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